Understanding The Membership Test Queue
We have launched a Membership test queue tool to help you plan out your upcoming test schedule.
On your dashboard, you’ll see a section called “Your test plan”. From there, you’ll be able to add tests to your “Upcoming tests'' queue and monitor tests. The “Claimed tests” section is where you can view any test you’ve claimed, completed, or are waiting for results on.
When it is time to redeem your credits for your monthly test, we will email you to remind you to redeem a test from your queue. You can redeem any test from your queue, regardless of its positioning in the queue.
Credits carry over month to month, and you can redeem your credits for as many tests as you have available. But, you are not currently able to redeem multiple tests in a single order, only one at a time. If you want to redeem your credits for multiple tests, you must redeem them separately (i.e., redeem credits for one test, then go back and redeem your remaining credits for another test).