How do I return my completed test kit?
Your test kit will contain a plastic mailing bag and a prepaid shipping label. As outlined in the enclosed instructions, it is crucial that you write your name, collection date, and collection time (if required) on your sample. If you fail to include this information, your sample may be rejected by the lab. Place your sample into the provided biohazard bag and ensure it is sealed tightly. Place your sample back into the Everlywell box and put the box inside the plastic return mailer. It is important that you use the appropriate shipping label if completing multiple kits since we use different laboratories depending on the test being run.
Mail back your sample using a local USPS drop-box or your own mailbox. You may consider writing down your USPS tracking number or taking a photo of the shipping label just in case. Return shipping to the laboratories we use to help you get tested typically takes 2-3 business days.